My Dennis Music

Welcome to
My Dennis Music, the dedicated Dennis Music download website, where you can quickly and easily find the music that you need, listen and download.
My Dennis Music is a one stop shop for all your music needs. In addition to the extensive Dennis Music catalogue, we also represent a number of other great labels Stock Music, Hibou and Music 4 Pro. We update this site regularly with new releases and/ or new labels.
The site is very easy to use and you can search for music using the Search Music bar. Just enter your own search criteria, such as music style, instrument, tempo etc. Click on search and all the results are displayed .
You can refine your search criteria by selecting All and choosing from the following categories: CDs, Labels, Label Codes or composers.
Clicking on Search within results allows you to narrow your search even further by using the filters available.
To listen to the music just click on the CD cover. You can then add it to your project or download it. We deliver the tracks in MP3 (320kbits) and WAV format and you must be logged in to do this.
As most CDs are thematic we also give you the option to see/listen the entire CD instead of just the track result from your search. The track most relevant to your search is highlighted in red. The CD’s are shown in picture view, but if you orefercan change this to a list by clicking on display.
Using the My Projects tab you can track your projects and have a look at the FAQ section for any other help you may need.
And don’t forgot to check our New CD’s section for the latest great music.
We are always pleased to receive any comments or feedback via the ‘Feedback’ button so we can keep improving our download service to you.